Destinations in Lake Titicaca
Here you will find all information that will help you to coordinate every detail of your trip in Bolivia. How to get there, kind of climate, location, attractive spots in the surroundings, recommended activities and every avaliable services such as hotels, restaurants and much more.
Lago Titicaca
Lake Titicaca is approximately 70 kilometers west of the city of La ...
It is a city that is located on the shores of Lake Titicaca. It is a...
Isla del Sol
Also known as Titicaca Island, it is the largest island in the lake....
Isla de la Luna
Also called Coatí Island, it is another of the sacred sites f...
Isla Kalauta
It is an old town built in stone that keeps the largest pre-Hispanic...
Isla Pariti
It stands out for being one of the most recognized ceremonial center...