Destinations in North Patagonia and Black Forest
Here you will find all information that will help you to coordinate every detail of your trip. How to get there, kind of climate, location, attractive spots in the surroundings, recommended activities and every avaliable services such as hotels, restaurants and much more.
Coyhaique is located in the east side of the Andes and it`s one of the most important cities in t...
Futaleufu National Reserve
The Futaleufu National Reserve -12.065 hectares- has virgin and native vegetation and an extraord...
Palena National Reserve
The difficult access and the delicate weather conditions do not reduce the natural advantages of ...
Simpson River National Reserve
This Nacional Reserve is crossed by Simpon River, a perfect place to practice ecotourism and extr...
Tamango National Reserve
This National Reserve was named after its marvelous hills: Tamango (1722 meters above sea level) ...
Baker River
With emerald waters, Baker river is born in the Bertrand Lake. It`s another must-see for any visi...
Futaleufu River
Declared Turism Attaction Zone by the National Tourism Service, Futaleufu River is also known as ...
Puelo River
With several caudals, Puelo River is another favorite place for extreme sports and ecoturism love...