Know Baker River
With emerald waters, Baker river is born in the Bertrand Lake. It`s another must-see for any visitor. Baker River -200 kilometers – is the place to go if you like to practice different sport and outdoor activities, such as fly fishing, rafting and river kayak from its origin to Tortel Bay.
Destination's information:
Activities: Sport fishing, kayak, rafting
Location: Aysén
How to get there: Santiago-Coyhaique:Airway
Coyhaique-Lago Bertrand: Land route by Austral Route
Coyhaique-Cochrane: Airway
Cochrane-Puerto Bertrand: Land route
When to go: All year long.
Weather: Cold weather. The annual media temperature is 9ºC. The rain is plentiful all year -600 to 4000 milimeters per year-.
Services: Housing, food, transportation, camping
Surroundings: Tortel bay, Exploradores bay, Castillo Hill, Las Manos cave, Bertrand Lake, Cochrane lake, Leones lake, San Lorenzo Hill, Bernardo O`Higgins National Park, Castillo Hill National Reserve, Tamango National Reserve, General Carrera Lake, Capilla de Marmol Nature Sanctuary, Jorge Montt snowcap, Leones snowcap, Soler snowcap.