Know Villa Gesell
Located in Buenos Aires, it is a coastal town outstanding for its beautiful resorts. It began was as a hippie settlement, attracting naturists and vegetarian.
Nowadays, the city is much visited during the summer, with a good tourist infrastructure and bohemian and cultural attractions, such as theater, cinemas, restaurants, pubs, and discotheques. Also it has an interesting handcraft fair and different stores.
In its natural spaces -wood and sea- can be practiced all kind of recreational activities and nautical sports. Other attractions are Reserva Forestal Pinar del Norte. Here is possible to visit the Municipal Historical File and Museum, and the Dunícola Faro Querandí Reserve.
Destination's information:
Attractions: Resorts, events, natural areas, museums, stores, handicraft, gastronomy, flora and fauna, dunes.
Activities: Nautical sports, ridings, golf, 4x4 driving, artistic shows, camping.
How to get there: All year long.
When to go: By land, through National Road 2 and the Provincial Road 11, amongst others. Airway, arriving to Villa Gesell Airport.
Weather: Temperate.
Services: Transportation, accommodations, food.
Surroundings: Buenos Aires, Pinamar, Mar del Plata.