Know Ushuaia
The most austral city of the world, the capital of the Province of Tierra del Fuego. It is one of the most tourist places of Argentina. It is the second most important port of the country, based on the container transportation and the front door to the Antarctic, with the pass of scientific and tourist ships.
Ushuaia has many attractions to delight its visitors. The delicious Patagonian gastronomy with specialties, such as spider-crab and lamb. In addition, it has dozens of historical places, such as the Plaza Cívica 12 de Octubre, Museo del Fin del Mundo, and Monumento a los Caídos de la Guerra de las Malvinas, amongst other interesting places.
The climate is cold and has strong winds from the west. Ushuaia has also the famous Cerro Castor ski center, with the characteristic of having hillsides with excellent quality of snow and a long season for its cold climate of the zone.
Destination's information:
Gastronomy, museums, native culture, sports, architecture, colonial history.
Activities: Trekking, sailing, photography, culture, skiing, snowboard, climbing, ridings, diving, fishing, animal contemplation, trips to Antarctic, sleds.
How to get there: All year long. In winter, temperatures are lower, but it is the perfect moment for practicing skiing and snowboard, sledges, and so on.
When to go: Airway, from Buenos Aires and from Santiago de Chile, with a stop in Punta Arenas. Ushuaia two International airports: Malvinas Argentinas and Río Grande. By land, through National Road 3, from west, Punta Arenas, Chile; or from north, Río Gallegos, in Santa Cruz Province.
Weather: Cold.
Services: Transportation, accommodations, gastronomy, recreational activities, adventure tourism, rent a car, supermarkets.
Surroundings: ?Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego, Antartic, Río Gallegos.